Join BESS!

IN 2020, we are implementing a new membership initiative designed to build a community of early career environmental scientists at Cornell. We are committed to training and preparing the next generation of environmental scientists through collaboration and supporting our peers. We hope that through formalizing a membership agreement we can improve the events and programs offered to the BESS community and encourage stronger relationships among student, post-doc, and lab staff members. 


Membership Incentives:

  • Name and bio on the BESS website
  • Nominate and vote on seminar speakers 
    • Great for networking for future post-docs & jobs
    • Officers who hold any BESS leadership position(s) for at least 2 years are guaranteed one seminar speaker
  • Submit suggestions for and vote on workshops & retreat topics
  • Invitation to annual BESS retreat and social events
  • Access to alumni database and alumni networking events (while at Cornell and after)
    • Alumni panels
    • Alumni connections at conferences
  • Get to vote on official BESS GSA policy at general body meetings 


Membership Requirements

  • Attendance at >50% of all BESS events offered during a semester including at least 3 official seminars and 3 non-seminar events 
    • Considerations will be made for those with TA or lab related conflicts on a semester-to-semester basis. 
  • Attendance at one general body meeting a year
  • Help with planning or hosting at least one BESS event a year, such as:
    • Host a seminar speaker
    • Organize a career-discussion lunch
    • Organize a paper discussion
    • Host a social event or held with the fall retreat
    • Hold an officer position
  • Help recruit new members from your lab or department



  • Spring 2020:
    • Start getting BESS attendees to sign-up as official BESS GSA members
    • Keep track of member attendance at events with no official requirements
    • Encourage members to host a speaker or plan an event for the fall 
    • Hold an official BESS GSA meeting & vote on this agreement
  • Fall 2020: 
    • Invite all signed-up members to attend fall retreat
    • Keep track of attendance at all BESS events for membership purposes
    • Encourage members to host a speaker or plan an event for the spring

To join BESS as a member, please fill out this form.  We look forward to working with you!